Friday, August 16, 2013

Following graduation a father handed his daughter a bag with a copy of "Oh the Places You'll Go," by Dr Seuss in it. At first she just smiled and said that she loved that book. But he told her "No, open it up." ...On the first page she saw a short paragraph written by her kindergarten teacher. He told her "Every year, for the past 13 years, since the day you started kindergarten I've gotten every teacher, coach and principal to write a little something about you inside this book."

Little Boy As Carl From ‘Up’: I should totally do this when my son is a toddler...he has a smile just like Ed Asner so it would be perfect. :)
Little Boy As Carl From ‘Up’: I should totally do this when my son is a toddler...he has a smile just like Ed Asner so it would be perfect. :)
Following graduation a father handed his daughter a bag with a copy of "Oh the Places You'll Go," by Dr Seuss in it. At first she just smiled and said that she loved that book. But he told her "No, open it up." ...On the first page she saw a short paragraph written by her kindergarten teacher. He told her "Every year, for the past 13 years, since the day you started kindergarten I've gotten every teacher, coach and principal to write a little something about you inside this book."
Following graduation a father handed his daughter a bag with a copy of "Oh the Places You
polka dot garland
polka dot garland

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