Friday, August 16, 2013

The graphics on the glasses are musical notations that correspond to the level of the liquid in the glass and will accurately produce the correct note when the user runs their fingers along the rim of the glass. - Nag on the Lake: Musical Glasses

Absolutely LOVE this idea! School year papers & memorabilia organization
Absolutely LOVE this idea!  School year papers & memorabilia organization
The Little Mermaid!
The Little Mermaid!
I spent hours doing this..
I spent hours doing this..
The graphics on the glasses are musical notations that correspond to the level of the liquid in the glass and will accurately produce the correct note when the user runs their fingers along the rim of the glass. - Nag on the Lake: Musical Glasses
The graphics on the glasses are musical notations that correspond to the level of the liquid in the glass and will accurately produce the correct note when the user runs their fingers along the rim of the glass. - Nag on the Lake: Musical Glasses
voices of the Disney princes.
voices of the Disney princes.

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